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Why Us?

With many options available to pilots (including self-exploration) the obvious question arises, why the need for a guide, and specifically, why us? These are great questions, and here are our two cents!

We know where to go

The locations we select for our tours are only places that we have competed in either Hike & Fly or Race-to-Goal formats. This has taught us not only the logistics on the ground but also where to go in the air.

It's much more than just flying

With us the focus will be a holistic learning experience instead of just following a guide around. From weather checks and flight plans in the morning to debrief sessions at night, we strive to share our knowledge so that you can learn all you need to fly safely in all these beautiful locations.


It's all about being safe and having fun !

We have spent so much time getting ready for the races in these areas that we know which weather models to use, which things to avoid to stay safe, and overall, how to make a trip fun!


Multi-disciplinary based on client's needs

We can work on whatever our client's needs are. From thermaling skills, to XC flying to hike and fly and even vol-biv. In addition, we can also teach our clients how to make use of their flying instruments so that they are ready for competitions, or at the very least, learn how to fly more efficiently.

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